Go To Team Atlanta Crew | Fair Count Campaign

If you think studying populations is easy, you need to come to your (census) Former Georgia Representative Stacey Abrams recently spoke at a Fair Count Campaign conference. This conference aims to raise awareness for the 2020 census and the importance of accurately reporting previously undercounted communities. MSNBC worked with Go To Team’s Atlanta DP Nate […]

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Go To Team DC Crew | NBC Trump with Russia

In today’s climate, politics is a hot topic.  Political awareness has grown throughout our nation as more controversies present themselves.  As advances in technology and social media are made, the political discussion expands. More and more people have a desire to stay informed. NBC is one possible source where you can find the information you’re […]

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Atlanta Video Crew Goes Bananas for Baseball with MSNBC

Our Atlanta video crew, Brent Ebell, was in a field of dreams working with MSNBC to showcase the Savannah Bananas, a minor league baseball team in the Coastal Plains League, whose owner has brought baseball back to the city using his unique style and energy. Jesse Cole is Baseball’s Own P.T. Barnum Jesse Cole just […]

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Chicago Crew Talks Business for MSNBC

Is it possible to run a business when you are out of the office for over half of the year?  For Mike Tunney it is.  Tunney is the CEO of KeySmart, a small business based in the Chicago suburbs.   Tunney is able to run his business while only spending less than half of the […]

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GTT NYC Gets into the Christmas Spirit

My HDX900 and I recently took a trip up to Spencer, MA to work with MSNBC Your Business. We were doing a story on Christmas Decor, a seasonal franchise that does elaborate Christmas and Holiday Lighting setups at both residential and commercial properties. Mother nature must have heard we were doing the story because snow […]

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GTT New York Covers DC Driver

When you work in this business and you hear about breaking news your reaction tends to be “hmm, I wonder if I’ll get any work out of this” instead of “oh wow thats crazy” like a normal person would say.  So when my phone rang and NBC was on the other line saying they needed […]

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GTT New York Crew Covers Seaside Park Fire

I had literally just pulled into my parking spot after wrapping a shoot when my phone rings and NBC is telling me they need me to get down to Seaside Park asap. Seaside Park, NJ is one of the communities on the Jersey Shore that was hit hard by Hurricane Sandy and the community was […]

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Dallas Crew Shoots for MSNBC’s “Your Business”

Dallas is apparently home to a pretty cool business.  How cool?  Well, it’s a business that houses rooms filled with objects that you pay to smash to bits and pieces.  They supply you with safety goggles, a jump suit, a helmet, and a weapon.  Once you’re in the room you can let out all your […]

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New York Shoots With Stone Rose and Your Business

New York has no shortage of great restaurants and I recently worked with MSNBC Your Business to cover one awesome spot. We did a feature on Scott Gerber and his restaurant Stone Rose. For Scott’s interview we did a two camera setup. My A-cam was a HDX 900 and my B-cam was a HVX 200 […]

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New York Crew Shoots at Trimpers for “Your Business”

Recently my HDX900 and I headed over to Ocean City, MD to work with MSNBC Your Business. We were shooting a piece on Trimper’s Amusements and Rides, an amusement park that has been own and operated by the the Trimper family for over 100 years. The park itself was your classic boardwalk amusement park at […]

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