Life as a Charlotte Crew Cameraman Apprentice

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Roger fixing  audio
Roger adjusting audio

Go To Team offers a unique opportunity to Chief Photographers and local TV Cameramen. This position is designed for photographers that want to gain enough experience to shoot, run audio, and light at the highest level. We have successfully run this federally accredited apprenticeship for eight years and six of our former apprentices are now full-time Directors of Photography for Go To Team.

Roger Woodruff is the apprentice to Charlotte Director of Photography, Skip Clark. When Roger first found he was chosen to be Skip’s apprentice he nearly exploded with excitement. This was one step forward to becoming a skilled cameraman.

Roger has worked with Skip for past nine months. He says it has been an amazing learning experience.   Aside from being introduced to the world of ENG audio, he assisted Skip with lighting and camera support.

Roger and Skip have spent the majority of their shoots on the NASCAR circuit working for Fox Sports and now TNT.  Roger expected to learn about new equipment and techniques, but Skip has taught him other helpful tips like the media discounts that airlines offer, learning how to pack efficiently, and how it is to live your life on the road.

Roger says, “The apprenticeship is about embracing the experience and the learning opportunities it presents.  Everyday I grow and get more familiar with the culture and attitude of Go To Team.  The more assignments I complete, the more confident I feel about taking the next step. This is all due in large part to Skip. His guidance as a supervisor and mentor builds, and continues to build, the foundation for my future professional success. Thanks, Skip!”