Category: Video Crew

Miami Crew Goes Buckwild with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers

I was eagerly awaiting my NFL Network shoot with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers since I had only worked in Tampa once before and really wanted to see more of the city. Luckily, the drive from Miami to Tampa was only four hours long. The shoot was held at the Tampa Bay Buccaneers – Training Facility – One Buc Place. […]

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DC Crew is heating up!

The beanie is packed away, the hair is high and tight, the beard is gone (well shorter, anyways) and my legs are excited to see the light of day.  Summer is here and we are cooking!  Heating up that pavement as we are shooting for clients across the spectrum.  News, sports, weather, corporate – all […]

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Chicago Crew Goes Big in Columbus for the B1G Ten

Ohio State University has been doing some great stuff lately in Columbus. Whether it be their world famous marching band parodying famous television icons, the football team finally getting back in action, or some of the awesome programs taking place on the their campus. I headed down to Columbus to get the scoop for myself. I […]

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Dallas Crew Discussed Dating Troubles On The Meredith Vieira Show

Just to be clear, I don’t have any dating troubles, but when I got booked to go down to Houston to shoot a couple segments for The Meredith Vieira Show, I had no idea what I was in for. Especially when the two segments were titled “How to Train Your Husband” and “Dating Trouble”. However, the […]

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Atlanta Crew Covers the NBA Playoffs

Hawks finished the regular season and went straight to the playoffs.  You know I was there first game of the first round covering ENG for TNT. It’s been a ride and so far the Hawks are doing well (which means more local days for Jeff!).  We’ve been shooting a ton of green screen for 1 […]

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Dallas Crew Meets A Real Texas Longhorn

A real University of Texas at Austin Longhorn that is…former head football coach Mack Brown. Shooting for CBS, I had the opportunity to sit down with Coach Brown in his time between teaching classes at U-Texas in Austin, TX. This was a quick setup, and a very much in-and-out shoot scenario. No worries, I love […]

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Chicago Crew Covers Tornado Aftermath for The Weather Channel

If you’ve been paying attention to the news recently you probably noticed that Illinois had some extreme weather last week. In Chicago, we experienced heavy rain, hail and strong winds while one rural Illinois town had an EF4 rated tornado. The tornado touched down in Fairdale, Illnois and ripped through the town causing incredible amounts […]

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NY Crew Covers Tragic ‘Madison Holleran’ Story

We all love getting to tell the ‘fun stories’ but as storytellers we have an equal duty of telling the tragic ones as well. For this story we worked with ESPN on a piece about Madison Holleran, a bright and rising track star who in 2014 jumped from a parking garage and ended her life. The Holleran […]

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Dallas Crew Covers Sam’s Club New Club Pick-Up Service

Assigned to travel to Austin, TX is always fun for me since it’s an easy drive and an entertaining city. This particular shoot was at a local SAMS Club covering their use of a new digital tool, the Club Pick-Up service.   Basically, you do all your shopping online then go to the store and […]

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Chicago Video Crew Joins Charleston DP in Kentucky for Fox Sports

On a cold day in February I was assigned to head down to Lexington, Kentucky to shoot a feature with Charleston’s cameraman, Dave Baker, for Fox Sports. We would be interviewing one of the Kentucky basketball’s star players along with his dad then shoot some B-Roll of the two playing some 1-on-1. I jumped in my Suburban and […]

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