Category: Video Production Crews

Charlotte Crew Interviews Harry Connick Jr. for Larry King Live

  In late June, Larry King Live presented a two-hour telethon to help the victims of the Gulf Coast oil spill.  Of course one of the guests was good ol’ Gulf Coast native Harry Connick Jr. . Since the telethon was right in the middle of Harry’s busy tour schedule, he had to tape his […]

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Charlotte Apprentice Teams up with NASCAR

Written by Roger Woodruff If someone asked me to describe the last six months of my life in one word, it would be NASCAR. While some people might find this assignment a radical adjustment from their daily life, I was in my element. NASCAR has always been a part of my life. In fact, Skip […]

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Go To Team: Helping move Charleston’s Creative Community Forward

“The No. 1 thing is to create awareness,” said Patrick Bryant, parliament co-chairman and managing partner at digital media firm Go To Team. “The fact that creative businesses in Charleston make up such a large piece of the economy is paramount, because it’s true.” Go To Team has always been part of the creative community, […]

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Experiences Learned by a Go To Team Apprentice

Although I have no personal experience to base this on, I always hear how different my apprenticeship has been compared to others.  When I moved to Charlotte to work with Skip, I was supposed to be running audio for him and only him.  That changed rather quickly when Skip moved to LA.  This move left […]

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Life as a Charlotte Crew Cameraman Apprentice

Go To Team offers a unique opportunity to Chief Photographers and local TV Cameramen. This position is designed for photographers that want to gain enough experience to shoot, run audio, and light at the highest level. We have successfully run this federally accredited apprenticeship for eight years and six of our former apprentices are now […]

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Modisett Crew Shoots War Stories With Oliver North for Fox News

Col. Oliver North’s “War Stories” on Fox News always has some of the most compelling tales of wars and warriors on television.  When the show visited Ft. Monroe, Virginia to do a story on modern machines used in war, Fox booked Go To Team’s Modisett crew to make it super cool.  The show interviewed Gen. […]

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Charlotte Crew covers NFL Network Draft

If you were a college football fan in 2009-2010, you know who Terrence Cody is.  Besides being a two-time All-American, he blocked two field goals (one a game winner) against Tennessee and lead the Alabama defense to win a national championship against Texas.  Standing 6’4” and weighing over 350 lbs, it was obvious why Terrence […]

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Weather Channel blows through the National Hurricane Convention in Orlando Florida

Orlando based crew Dan Lowrey started his hurricane coverage early this year at the 2010 National Hurricane Conference with The Weather Channel. Lowrey spent three days shooting some of the coolest Hurricane gadgets available for segments with Jim Cantore. Everything from solar generators, to “just add water” hot meals made their debut on The Weather […]

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National Association of Broadcasters in Las Vegas, seeing the future equipment of “cool tv”

The National Association of Broadcasters holds a major event in Las Vegas each April and the Go To Team staff headed there to see the newest developments in broadcast equipment. Every year there is an unofficial theme to NAB. Five years ago it was High Definition and then gradually the HD Cameras began to make […]

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Orlando Video Crew moves to baseball and covers Spring Training with FOX Sports

Orlando based crew Dan Lowrey and audio operator Mike Rothwell hit up all the Florida hot spots for Spring Training with FOX Sports. Starting in Port St. Lucie, with New York Mets superstar David Wright, the interviews allowed the players to show off thier “fun” side, with questions like, “What reality show would you most […]

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