Washington D.C. DP Films a Week of Events for the MLS All Star Game

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The MLS All Star Game brought a week’s worth of events to Washington DC and Go To Teams’ local DP was there for all of it. First the MLS took over the Wharf in downtown DC for their Soccer Celebration Watch Party Event.

Then they spent two days of community service, first pairing with volunteers at U.S. Hunger to pack 100,000 meals to distribute to families in need, then an unveiling of a new soccer pitch at local Seaton Elementary School, both events attended by former MLS players Nick Rimando and Eddie Pope.

Later that night was the MLS All Star Concert starring singer Kehlani at The Anthem in DC, and finally the next day featured the MLS Next and Special Olympics All Star Games in Annapolis Maryland to lead up to the big game.

It was an exciting week and we’re thrilled that MLS chose us to help showcase it!