Tag: Z1U

Atlanta and Charlotte Crew Team Up and Hit Gold

Ryan and I have been teaming up pretty frequently these days to do some 2 camera shoots.  This time we cover a segment in Charlotte with actor, Chris Atkins.  We set up a 2 camera shoot in the house he was staying in.  We used minimal lighting and went for a more natural look as […]

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Nashville Crew Works With Hip-Hop Group, Arrested Development

It seemed appropriate for me to make the drive from Nashville to Atlanta for an “Unsung” shoot with 90’s hip-hop group, Arrested Development, considering one of their biggest hits was “Tennessee.”  Armed with a HDX 900 and Z1U I headed to ATL for three days of shooting interviews. I was really excited to be shooting […]

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Charleston Crew with Edwin McCain at Swamp Sessions

Deep in the Francis Marion National Forrest in the Carolinas, many musicians from across the country are joining together to participate in a unique album entitled “The Swamp Sessions.” Video Clip For the last 6months of 2011, GoToTeam crews have been on board to film the documentary about this unique solar-powered recording experience.  We will continue […]

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Documenting South Carolina Charity: Charleston Water Missions International

Charleston’s Water Missions International (WMI) brought the Go To Team crew on board to document the necessity of volunteers, donors and staff to a nonprofit. Without these components, many nonprofits cannot achieve their goals. This Charleston, SC-based organization builds water filtration units that are shipped to countries in developing  and disaster areas in need of safe and […]

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MAAC Golf shoots Fairways and Greens with Go To Team

For 3 days, using multiple HVR Z1U HDV cameras, Director of Photography Dan Beckmann witnessed some of the best college golf in the country. Go To Team's Orlando crew shot, wrote, produced, edited, and designed all the graphics and animation for the entire spot.

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