Tag: sudan

Orlando Cameraman uses P2 and time lapses to shoot in Sudan: Video Blog 2

How do you make cool video in Sudan? Cameraman Dan Lowrey shows you some tricks of the trade in a far away world. When Dan was planning out his trip, weight was everything. The small plane the crew took to Sudan only allowed for 100 pounds of gear. This may seem like a large amount of weight, but when it comes to packing video gear it adds up quickly.

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Orlando Camera Crew shoots documentary short in Africa: Video Blog

Over 50+ hours of airtime, shooting in places the UN can't even travel to, and two weeks of only rice and beans... Sounds like a job for Go To Team! Orlando based crew Dan Lowrey took an amazing trip to Akot, Sudan where he spent two weeks filming a health clinic run by a organization called Mustard Seed International.

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