Tag: South by Southwest

Texas Crew Sits Down with John Legend for E! News

I teamed up with E! News again for some more South by Southwest coverage in Austin, TX. Our assignment today was quite simple.  We just had one interview with Grammy award winner, John Legend. The interview was shot on the Sony F800 XDCam with an Odyssey 7Q attached. We got to the location a little […]

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Texas Crew Covers SXSW for E! News

When March rolls around in Austin, TX it can only mean one thing. It’s time for the annual music, film, and technology festival, “South by Southwest.” For two days, we had interviews with some of the biggest stars with E! News Correspondent Marc Malkin. This was a “run and gun” shoot at its core. I […]

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GTT Shoots South by Southwest for E!

The Nashville and Houston crews converged upon Austin, TX to shoot the stars at the 2014 SxSW Music, Film & Interactive conference. Once again, E! had GTT shooting all over the map, from film sets to red-carpet premieres & everything in-between. All told, there were six days of music, movies & madness. Celebrities on hand […]

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Nashville Crew to Austin for South-by-Southwest Film Fest.

The Nashville and Dallas crews saw the stars come out in Texas… while covering SxSW for E! News, that is! The annual film, music and arts festival is a popular destination to celebrities and artists of all stripes, and they were not in short supply this past week. A few of the stars we lensed […]

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