Tag: raleigh

Raleigh Crew hits the links with PGA.com

Hitting the links in South Carolina?  Before you jump the gun on where to tee up, checkout PGA.com to see what they consider ‘The Dream 18 of South Carolina”. It’s a tour of the best holes on the best courses in SC. Armed with the Sony F900 the crew shot five out of the 18 […]

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ESPN “Outside the Lines” tracks Savannah State University Story.

Raleigh Based Jimmy Hall, along with Sound man Ian McCullen, and Charleston Based Dave Baker, and Sound man Carl Mullins met up with ESPN reporter Jemele Hill  to cover a story that would span from North Carolina, to Georgia, To Sunny Florida in pursuit of the facts. The story?  Ex-Savannah State University Football Coach Robby Wells […]

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Raleigh Video Crew vacinates the HDX-900 @ Pfizer Plant

Raleigh Cameraman Jimmy Hall spent a couple of days shooting HD on the Panasonic HDX 900 @ the Pfizer plant in Sanford NC. The project was to help inform the public about the safety and care that is put into manufacturing the vaccines that are produced on the Sanford campus, specifically Pfizer’s pediatric vaccine Prevnar […]

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Raleigh Video Crew and ABC’s Nightline, Enter the Eye of the Liger

Just a few miles from the rows of Wings and Eagles beach stores there's an exotic-animal preserve (T.I.G.E.R.S) that houses a liger named Hercules…the offspring of a male lion and a female tiger (the opposite case, the offspring of a male tiger and a female lion, is known as a Tigon).

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10,000 Miles Of Coverage for ESPN’s College Basketball

For just over two months, Orlando DP/Partner Dan Beckmann, along with Verocity Creative EP Sue Stauffer, traveled the country with ESPN Sports.

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Planes, Trains, and Automobiles – Beckmann Team Crisscrosses the Country with ESPN

Go To Team’s Orlando DP/Partner, Dan Beckmann, helped coordinate a month-long series of green-screen interviews with ESPN Sports - traveling the country from coast to coast - the crews experienced everything from rain, sleet, snow, and sunshine!

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Raleigh Crew Shoots Exclusive on John Edwards for Today Show

Go To Team's Raleigh Cameraman Jimmy Hall and NBC's investigative team have been hard at work the last several months on the Andrew Young/John Edwards compromise, a national story that has been unraveling in his own backyard.

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New Year, New Town… Exceptional Video Crews Now In Atlanta

Happy New Year! As we bid a fond farewell to 2009; we're absolutely excited about the promise of what 2010 has to offer. Go To Team's beginning the new year with the launch of a new market... ATLANTA, GEORGIA.

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Richmond Video Crew Shoots For Macy’s

With Thanksgiving over and the winter holidays around the corner, people across the nation are gearing up to gain a few pounds (see photo above) and shop till they drop. But three gentlemen in the Raleigh, North Carolina area decided to abandon the usual purchasing process and go all Winona Ryder on “the world’s largest department store,” Macy’s.

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Go To Team Slays Dragon: Raleigh Crew Rides with GMA Along US 129

Raleigh based Jimmy Hall teamed up with Good Morning America's Weekend Anchor Bill Weir to conquer US 129 a.k.a 'Tail of the Dragon.' This stretch of winding road, boarding North Carolina/Tennessee, is known among motorheads to be America's #1 motorcycle and sports car road.

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