Tag: panasonic

Director of Photography, Skip Clark shooting Varicam in Los Angeles… a lot.

Go To Team’s Clark Crew, normally based in Charlotte, NC, has been spending a lot of time out West.  Los Angeles, California specifically.  Skip Clark headed out to Los Angeles back in November for what was supposed to be just a couple of months, but when the schedule filled up, it was hard to get […]

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On the Set with FOX Sports NASCAR in Phoenix, Arizona

Fox Sports was on the road in Phoenix, AZ, in early April for their coverage of the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series.  Charlotte based Director Of Photography Skip Clark and audio operator Roger Woodruff were busy at the Wigwam Resort as Fox Sports geared up for their Head To Head Knockout promotion. It was a three […]

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We’ll stick to video and let MUSC Neuroscience save lives

Go To Team gets to work with tons of high profile clients, but we are quite happy that we don’t have lives hanging in the balance. However, our friends at MUSC save lives everyday. This most recent video for  the Neuroscience Department tells the story. Director of Photography Tom Wells shot interviews on High Definition […]

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ESPN “Outside the Lines” tracks Savannah State University Story.

Raleigh Based Jimmy Hall, along with Sound man Ian McCullen, and Charleston Based Dave Baker, and Sound man Carl Mullins met up with ESPN reporter Jemele Hill  to cover a story that would span from North Carolina, to Georgia, To Sunny Florida in pursuit of the facts. The story?  Ex-Savannah State University Football Coach Robby Wells […]

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National Association of Broadcasters in Las Vegas, seeing the future equipment of “cool tv”

The National Association of Broadcasters holds a major event in Las Vegas each April and the Go To Team staff headed there to see the newest developments in broadcast equipment. Every year there is an unofficial theme to NAB. Five years ago it was High Definition and then gradually the HD Cameras began to make […]

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FOX Sports NASCAR Hangar Shoot in Daytona…This Is Cool T.V.

So, it’s been a few months since Go To Team’s Clark crew flew to Daytona Beach, FL, for the start of the 2010 NASCAR season and they’ve been busy! This year’s season started with the big ‘Hangar Shoot’ that Fox Sports uses every year to gather the artwork and story content that they’ll use throughout […]

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The Greatest Golfer’s in the World take shots on the Green Screen for ESPN Promos.

While 48 of the top 50 golfers in the world tackled the “Blue Monster” at Doral in Miami, Florida, Go To Team’s Orlando DP/Partner, Dan Beckmann captured all the promos for the Masters at Augusta National. A week before The WGC-CA Championship, Beckmann (shooting HD on the Panasonic HDX 900) helped ESPN gather all the […]

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Raleigh Video Crew vacinates the HDX-900 @ Pfizer Plant

Raleigh Cameraman Jimmy Hall spent a couple of days shooting HD on the Panasonic HDX 900 @ the Pfizer plant in Sanford NC. The project was to help inform the public about the safety and care that is put into manufacturing the vaccines that are produced on the Sanford campus, specifically Pfizer’s pediatric vaccine Prevnar […]

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Orlando’s DP, Beckmann Gets it Done for NBC News

For DP/Partner, Dan Beckmann, shooting interviews for the Today Show is a pretty simple assignment. As a former staff cameraman for NBC News, Dan has lit, edited, shot, and been shot at, all over the world. So you'd think a simple assignment such as a one-man-band interview at a hotel would be as easy spelling N.B.C. N.e.w.s.

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Raleigh Video Crew and ABC’s Nightline, Enter the Eye of the Liger

Just a few miles from the rows of Wings and Eagles beach stores there's an exotic-animal preserve (T.I.G.E.R.S) that houses a liger named Hercules…the offspring of a male lion and a female tiger (the opposite case, the offspring of a male tiger and a female lion, is known as a Tigon).

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