Tag: P2

Nashville Crew Spends the Weekend with Phi Sigma Sigma in D.C.

With an HVX 200 in hand I headed up to Washington D.C. for the Phi Sigma Sigma National Leadership Conference.  It’s not everyday I’m working with sorority girls so I figured this will be interesting.  I spent the majority of my time shooting interviews.  I think we ended up shooting about 40 interviews by the […]

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‘Tis the Season for Shoplifting, Nashville Crew Shoots for Macy’s

So I called my mom up the other day and I told her I had a shoot with Macy’s.  She asked if I was following around Santa Claus or something.  I laughed and explained it was actually about shoplifting. I traveled down to Atlanta for the day.  I was shooting at the Macy’s in the […]

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Mardi Gras Comes to Universal Studios Resort

One of the benefits of being located on the back-lot of Universal Studios, is catching glimpses of all the preparations for Universal Orlando’s Mardi Gras Celebration – and this years festivities looks to be the best yet! Every Saturday, and select nights from now through April 23rd, guests can catch one of fifteen live concerts […]

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Orlando’s Lowrey Crew Films POV

POV!? What is POV? If you don’t know about the POV cameras then your missing out! A “POV” (point of view) camera is extremely small and can give you the ability to get a shot nearly anywhere. A car going 180 MPH? No problem! The camera records to SD cards which gives it the ability to […]

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Orlando Cameraman uses P2 and time lapses to shoot in Sudan: Video Blog 2

How do you make cool video in Sudan? Cameraman Dan Lowrey shows you some tricks of the trade in a far away world. When Dan was planning out his trip, weight was everything. The small plane the crew took to Sudan only allowed for 100 pounds of gear. This may seem like a large amount of weight, but when it comes to packing video gear it adds up quickly.

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Clark Crew Covers The MLB Post Season – Day Seven

Mixed media.  That’s what it’s been about on the MLB post season!  Skip Clark and Dan Lowrey, have been following the American League Championship Series for Fox Sports since last week and they’ve had their hands full with formats!  The primary camera for the shoot is Skip’s Panasonic Varicam and he’s been shooting billboard shots […]

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