Baker Video Crew gets their Morning Joe

Amidst the smell of freshly percolating Ethiopian blend coffee, Go To Team's Charleston based Baker Crew and Atlanta Based Tom Wells begin their renovation of a downtown Charleston Starbucks.

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Modisett Crew Gets Wet With The Weather Channel/NBC

Go To Team's Richmond, VA based video production team scooted over to Virginia Beach, VA to cover presumably the last major storm of 2009 on the east coast for The Weather Channel.

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Orlando Crew goes live on NBC News with Casey Anthony Coverage

Dan Beckmann, Go To Team’s Orlando Director of Photography, helped out NBC News with their continuing coverage of the Casey Anthony story. Along with Miami-based correspondent, Kerry Sanders, Dan spent 2 days going live for MSNBC and the Today Show. While the story of Casey Anthony has garnered world-wide attention, Go To Team has been […]

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Go To Team Cameraman at the launch of Space Shuttle Atlantis

Dan Beckmann, Go To Team’s Orlando Director of Photography, was on location for NBC News’ coverage of the launch of the space shuttle Atlantis.  This was the 126th flight of the space shuttle fleet, the 30th flight for Atlantis, and the last to the Hubble Space Telescope. Covering the launch live, with NBC News correspondent, […]

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Covering the War in the Middle East

Orlando DP, Dan Beckmann, and audio operator Paul Gramaglia, helped covered the war for NBC News from Tel Aviv, Israel.  While on location for nearly 6 weeks, the two were able to capture stories from the Gaza Strip to the West Bank – and all points in between. Their work was featured on MSNBC, the […]

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On board the U.S.S. Nassau – Go To Team covers U.S. troops returning home from Iraq

Go To Team DP’s, Dan Beckmann and Skip Clark, helped NBC News cover the return of U.S. Troops from deployment in Iraq. For the men and women of the U.S.S. Nassau, it was a welcome site to see the shore line of the United States after an 18 month deployment in the Middle East! After […]

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Christopher Reeve

Go To Team has produced Satellite Tours for Wal-Mart, the Gore Campaign, the McCain Campaign, and countless other organizations. If you need to broadcast your message to a satellite audience or offer your expert to the major news organizations, a Go To Team Satellite Tour is the best way. Here Christopher Reeve speaks to MSNBC from the Democratic National Convention.

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