Tag: “MLB Network”

Go To Team Chicago Crew | Interview with Chicago Cubs Manager

It’s a hit and run for the Chicago Cubs, recently hiring former Cubs catcher, David Ross, as their new professional manager.   Ross had an impressive fourteen-year run with his professional baseball career and sought an opportunity to reunite with his former team. MLB Network selected Go To Team’s Chicago DP, Kyle Kaiser, to cover the […]

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Go To Team Dallas Crew | MLB – Scotts Refurbish Field

Take me out to the ball game! Take me out with the crowd! Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks…but seriously, they are our favorite. Especially if they are boiled and salted! And thanks to MLB and Scotts’ Field Refurbishment grant, selected cities across the United States can finally get their peanuts and crackerjacks. Scotts […]

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ATL Talks Baseball for Braves Opener

This week, I got to work with MLB and shoot a few interviews for a film they are putting together.  Day one ended up being a pretty good challenge.  I’ve shot interviews in hotel rooms before, but I didn’t expect to walk into the room and see my producer had lifted up both beds and […]

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