Tag: Hurricane Irene

Covering Hurricane Irene for NBC with Kerry Sanders

Orlando DP/Partner Dan Beckmann has been covering hurricanes for NBC News since the late 90’s.  And he’s teamed up with NBC Correspondent, Kerry Sanders for almost every one of them. This year, as Hurricane Irene approached the North Carolina coast, Beckmann and Sanders teamed up again.  More rain, more wind, more lost electricity, and this […]

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Charleston Crew Pregames Hurricane Irene with the Weather Channel

Charleston’s Go To Team DP Dave Baker and crew recently traveled up to the North Carolina Coast in search of early warning signs from Hurricane Irene with the Weather Channel’s Eric Fisher. Despite the beautiful sunny weather and moderate comfortable temperatures, The Panasonic HDX900 and the (in this case unnecessarily waterproof) Bron Kobolds performed marvelously, […]

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