Tag: espn

Outside the Lines in NASCAR

Go To Team‘s Charlotte crew, Skip Clark and Rene Cusson, wrapped up their work on the “Discrimination in NASCAR” story two weeks ago and it aired this past Sunday on ESPN’s Outside The Lines. Skip Clark and Rene Cusson worked with talent Kelly Naqi and producer Greg Amante to gather interviews and shoot the stand-ups. […]

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Go To Team’s 5000th Shoot Party at NASCAR

In celebration of our 5000th shoot day almost everyone at Go To Team hit the road for Charlotte, NC and the Nascar offices for a day of good food and great company. We hired a catering company, Food for the Southern Soul out of Charleston to bring a little of the lowcountry to the folks […]

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Skip Clark, Director of Photography and Published Writer

Go To Team’s Charlotte, North Carolina Director of Photography, Skip Clark can now add published writer to his resume. TV Technology Magazine recently printed an article Skip wrote on Bron-Kobold’s HMIs, praising the light’s versatility and the superior customer service received by the company. Skip travels the US shooting using the Bron-Kobold HMI’s for clients […]

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Clark Crew Shoots ESPN E:60

Skip Clark was over in Chapel Hill, NC, last week shooting a story about Jason Ray for E:60, a new sports documentary program airing on ESPN. Go To Team DPs shoot stories about all kinds of people; sometimes they are politicos campaigning to be President, sometimes they are businessmen with the next big thing, sometimes […]

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Coach Of The Year Nominee

Go To Team’s Raleigh Video Crew (Jimmy Hall) spent a weekend in Greenville NC documenting Skip Holtz coach of Eastern Carolina University. Coach Holtz has been nominated for the Road to the Liberty Mutual Coach of the Year. The segment will premiere on ABC Sept 22 at 2:30pm and throughout the football season on ESPN. […]

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