Tag: Daniel Lowrey

LA Crew Hits the Road for the Cotton Bowl

LA based crew Dan Lowrey has been traveling all over the United States with FOX sports. Using every cool toy available. Sony F3, Arri Alexa, Canon 5D, and the Panasonic Varicam have been in his arsenal. Recently he traveled to Kansas and Arkansas for the Cotton Bowl pre-game show. Interviewing the coaches and players at […]

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LA Crew Travels to FIFA’s World Center in Switzerland

  FOX Sports has one of their biggest soccer interviews of the year and who do they call? Go To Team that is! LA Based crew Dan Lowrey hopped on a plane to Zurich, Switzerland to interview the President of FIFA, Sepp Bladder. With rare opportunity to interview President Bladder, Lowrey had three Varicams on […]

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Orlando Crew Discovers City Secrets with HLN and Dallas Friday

Orlando Crew, Dan Lowrey, discovered Orlando’s city secrets with Professional Wakeboarder, Dallas Friday. The piece was shot on the HDX900 and aired on HLN featuring several of  City Arts in downtown Orlando and SAK Comedy Club. Video Clip

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Orlando Crew Braves the Gators for Major Broadcast Client

When my phone rang asking me to deliver a short turn around miracle, I knew I could count on my buds at GTT. I had supreme confidence that either my own “Danger is my middle name” Dan Beckmann or “I can hold my breath for hours under water” Dan Lowrey would not only shoot pretty […]

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Orlando Crew following the Oil Spill all the way to Alabama

Attorney General Eric Holder surveyed areas affected by the oil spill in Dauphin Island, Alabama. The Attorney General also met with local community members that were impacted by the disaster. Orlando based crew Dan Lowrey made the long drive to the island to cover the event for FOX News. Equipped with the Panasonic HDX900, Lowrey shot […]

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Orlando Crew films dreams coming true in Jacksonville, Florida with HGTV

It’s summer time and in Florida, most residents spend their days basking in the beautiful sun. So why not make a mini-paradise in your backyard? Orlando based crew Dan Lowrey and audio operator John DeMaio cruised up to Jacksonville, FL to shoot “Bang For Your Buck” for HGTV. The team shot three different homes all […]

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