Tag: dallas

Dallas Crew Shoots for E! News

It was only a day after covering South by Southwest for E! News that they booked me on another shoot.  I thought that was pretty cool.  This time I didn’t have to travel to Austin.  Instead I ventured across town to shoot an interview and some b-roll with an up and coming fashion designer named […]

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Dallas Crew Works with Jeff Burton and CAT

Texas Motor Speedway recently hosted their April NASCAR race.  I just love it when NASCAR comes to town.  This time I was shooting for NASCAR Media Group.  Jeff Burton’s sponsor, Caterpillar, wanted footage of their hospitality tent, the new paint scheme, and the race.  I was shooting on the Panasonic HDX 900. After picking up […]

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Dallas Crew Works with Mexican Wrestler, M-6

I recently worked for hotel chain, Motel 6.  They were one of the sponsors of the Cinco De Mayo Festival in Dallas, TX.  It was at this festival that masked wrestler, M-6, made his debut.  M-6 is part of a new marketing campaign put on by Motel 6.  Get it?  M-6/Motel 6.  Classic. I was […]

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Dallas & Nashville Crew Head to Arkansas for CBS Sports

March Madness is coming up and that means a trip to Harding University.  They recently won the title of “Best Road Trip Destination in College Basketball.”  We went out there to see why.  We shot the Enterprise Rent-A-Car sponsored segment on two HDX 900s and a couple of Go Pros. Our day started in Little […]

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Dallas Crew Heads to Austin for South by Southwest

I was so pumped to head down to Austin for South by Southwest.  Everybody has been telling me how awesome that city is and I couldn’t wait to check it out for myself.  I was covering the South by Southwest festival for E! News.   Armed with the faithful HDX-900 I headed down to the capital […]

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Dallas Crew Covers Murdered Texas DA Story for NBC’s Today Show

By now I’m sure most of you have heard about the tragic murders of Texas District Attorney, Mike McLelland and his wife.  I was called in by NBC News to shoot some interviews with the children of the slain DA.  I headed down to Mexia, TX with my trusty Panasonic HDX 900 to get the […]

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Dallas Crew Shoots Draft Day Feature for the NFL Network

The 2013 NFL Draft is coming up.  One of the top prospects, Lane Johnson, grew up in a small town in east Texas called Groveton.  I made the trip down to Groveton to shoot a feature on Lane Johnson and his relationship with his high school football coach, Keith Thomas. I got to work with […]

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Dallas Crew Shoots for ESPN’s “30 for 30” Series

One of my absolute favorite series out there has to be ESPN’s “30 for 30.”  I don’t think I’ve ever seen one that I didn’t enjoy.  They’re always shot beautifully and tell a compelling story.  Needless to say, when I found out I was shooting for the series I was pretty pumped. The “30 for […]

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Nashville Crew to Austin for South-by-Southwest Film Fest.

The Nashville and Dallas crews saw the stars come out in Texas… while covering SxSW for E! News, that is! The annual film, music and arts festival is a popular destination to celebrities and artists of all stripes, and they were not in short supply this past week. A few of the stars we lensed […]

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Dallas Crew Heads to Houston for the NBA All-Star Game

With the NBA All-Star game in town I made the trip down to Houston.  I was shooting on the Panasonic HDX-900 with a Nano Flash attached. Our main assignment was shooting the stand ups and V.O. for a recap segment called, The Daily Zap.  After each night’s event we headed onto the court and met […]

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