Tag: Dallas Crew

Nashville Crew to Austin for South-by-Southwest Film Fest.

The Nashville and Dallas crews saw the stars come out in Texas… while covering SxSW for E! News, that is! The annual film, music and arts festival is a popular destination to celebrities and artists of all stripes, and they were not in short supply this past week. A few of the stars we lensed […]

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Nashville Crew Teams Up With PGA.Com To Cover The Ryder Cup

Chicago hosted this year’s Ryder Cup.  I headed north, armed with a HDX 900 and Nano Flash.  I love working in Chicago.  Oh hey, by the way, did you know we have a Chicago cameraman now?  Well, now you know.  He was there too working for Mercedes.  Focus, Roggg, focus. I was there for three […]

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