Tag: Charleston crew

Charleston Crew takes on Vandy with Intersport

 Vanderbilt University,  a smaller school in the SEC is preparing to go up against UGA.  That is the story…Shades of David and Goliath.  How can a team prepare for such an overwhelming opponent?  This is the story we told under the watchful guide of Intersport.  Using the Sony F-3, we trained alongside the Commodores, went […]

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Nashville and Charleston Crew head to New Orleans For Some March Madness

When it comes to the NCAA basketball tournament the only sure bet is Go To Team. Yeah, your bracket might be busted if you write in GTT instead of Ohio State or Kansas but at least you’ll walk away with some stellar video footage. Charleston based DP, Dave Baker and myself (Roggg Woodruff) made the […]

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Charleston Crew Didn’t Miss a Beat with Jacob Jeffries Band

The Jacob Jeffries Band exploded on to the Charleston music scene with intricate melodies and spontaneous yet carefully created compositions. Without missing a beat, GTT was on the scene.  Dave Baker was there to capture the show. Their performance exceeded the hype, with upbeat music that immediately stirred the audience right from the start. Opening […]

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Charleston Video Crew sits down with Tim Pawlenty for GMA

  Go To Team’s Charleston based Director of Photography, Dave Baker, had a chance to sit down with Republican Presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty the morning following the GOP debate in Greenville, SC. 5am and the crew began converting an empty hotel meeting room into the backdrop for a Good Morning America live shot.  The Arri […]

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Charleston Crew and AMS Pictures get edgy with High Def in South Carolina

Charleston Based Dave Baker recently teamed up with “Crews Control” to help out Texas Based AMS Pictures to aid in the HD production of one of their High Quality corporate projects. The Panasonic HDX900 combined with Kino-Flo Divas really made the subjects “Pop” in front of the blue backdrop. The Client was able to fully […]

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GTT’s Tapeless Video Set-up Makes Corporate Medical Conference Shoot Easy.

Dave Baker, GTT’s Charleston based Crew recently “Teamed” up with Crews Control’s corporate client to record a corporate presentation of “Femsoft” to a small group of women in Charlotte NC. Utilizing the Panasonic HPX2000, Dave was able to shoot to P2 cards, which he was then able to transfer out to the Client’s Pocket drives […]

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