Tag: Anaheim

Chicago Video Crew Shoots Playoff Hockey in Sunny Southern California

As a huge sports fan myself, one of my favorite sports to watch is hockey, and the only thing better than NHL hockey is NHL Playoff hockey. That’s why I was psyched when I got the assignment with NBC Sports to head down to Anaheim and shoot some player interviews with the Ducks who are […]

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Clark Crew Covers The MLB Post Season – Day Eight

It’s now been a full week that Go To Team’s Clark crew has been out on the road.  Skip Clark and Dan Lowrey have been out covering the ALCS for Fox Sports and they’ve been having a great time with it!  Yesterday – Wednesday – was sort of an off-day for the crew as the […]

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Clark Crew Covers The MLB Post Season – Day Seven

Mixed media.  That’s what it’s been about on the MLB post season!  Skip Clark and Dan Lowrey, have been following the American League Championship Series for Fox Sports since last week and they’ve had their hands full with formats!  The primary camera for the shoot is Skip’s Panasonic Varicam and he’s been shooting billboard shots […]

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