Tag: 5D

Nashville Crew Heads to Atlanta for Cadillac Shoot

Every time I shoot for with Cadillacs I have a great day.  This time was no different.  I headed down to Atlanta to cover the Cadillac Drive Experience for one of their Middle Eastern clients.  The best part was I got to shoot on the Canon 5D.  I love working with this camera. General Motors […]

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Our Charlotte Crew hits close to home with Ricky Stenhouse Jr.

Last month I teamed up with Speed Channel in Olive Branch Mississippi to shoot a feature called “Home Again”  with Ricky Stenhouse Jr. We wanted to give the piece a really rich and stylized look so the Canon 5D kit was our “go to” choice for the shoot. Through the use of our L-series Canon […]

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Nashville and Charleston Crew head to New Orleans For Some March Madness

When it comes to the NCAA basketball tournament the only sure bet is Go To Team. Yeah, your bracket might be busted if you write in GTT instead of Ohio State or Kansas but at least you’ll walk away with some stellar video footage. Charleston based DP, Dave Baker and myself (Roggg Woodruff) made the […]

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Nashville Crew Shoots Feature on University of Memphis Forward, D.J. Stephens

March means basketball shoots with Intersport.  I headed down to Memphis with my trusty HDX 900, a 5D, and a Go Pro.  If you thought working with one camera was fun, shooting with three cameras is even better. The day started with shooting three interviews at the University of Memphis athletic facility.  I had plenty […]

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LA Crew is Staying Busy with New Slider!

Los Angeles based Dan Lowrey made his move back to California and hasn’t even had time to get his surfboard wet! He’s spent the last few months covering some of the coolest projects out there from traveling to Switzerland, Hawaii, Arizona, Tampa, Texas, St Louis and Milwaukee. One of Lowrey’s favorite toys is his new […]

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Frank Picks Go To Team on the Canon 7D for Fox Sports

Video Clip When Fox Sports called Go To Team’s Skip Clark to shoot this year’s ‘Frank’s Picks’ segment for the NFL Pre-Game Show, they were also asking for the Canon 7D.  Last year Fox used Skip’s Panasonic Varicam, and while the Varicam is still used for certain shoots, the 7D has brought that film look […]

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