Assignment Desk & Go To Crew are a Media Content Services Company

Directors of Photography
Highly skilled cameramen that oversee shoot direction and manage several crew members.

Audio Technicians
Audio operators that can manage multiple sources and achieve great sound on their gear or yours.

Field Producers
Writers that oversee the production of a story and execute your vision on the ground.

Professional Cine Cameras
Arri Alexa / Red Epic / Red Dragon / Red Scarlet

Sturdy hands that help arrange and move equipment to assist the cameraman.

Two Person Camera Crew
Knowledgeable cameraman with a good eye, and an audio operator that can manage multiple audio sources.

Makeup Artists
Trained make-up professionals that prepare talent for broadcast productions.

Production Assistants
Quick on their feet when handling duties around

Still Photographers
Non-video photographer that takes stylized digital production photographs.

Camera Operators
Trained cameraman that uses the client’s equipment.

Teleprompter Operators
Uploads scripts to a computer that’s reflected near a camera lens so talent can easily deliver their message.

The selection and training of individuals for a specific job title.

The total compensation a company must pay its employees for a set period of time.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) that capture footage from the air.

Crew that manipulates and rearranges video footage to create a new work. Can be done live or post-production.