GTT Atlanta Crew: Recipe for Coca Cola is a Recipe for TV

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I got called out on a last minute gig in Ringgold, GA for Inside Edition covering a story about a couple who may have a recipe for Coca Cola.  The couple discovered this in some old paperwork they acquired while antiquing.  It is supposedly from the WWII era and written by someone who worked inside the company.  Now the couple wants to put this up for bid on ebay and see what it brings.  Naturally, they were bombarded by the news crews, I was not excluded. I didn’t really care about the “secret recipe” but thought the rest of the stuff in their house was awesome.  They are antiquers – they have so much cool stuff and stories I could spend a mess of time there. Alas, I wasn’t there to drool on cool old stuff. I set up a Kino and used the sun to back light them. We grabbed an interview and some b-roll of them going through antiques and the papers and headed off back to ATL.


Here’s a shot of the interview.  I had to hide in the bathroom to get the depth in the shot that I wanted.




-Jeff M