Post-production Reel: Go To Team Editor, edits himself.

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When I set out to edit the GTT post-production reel, I asked myself “What would I look for in an editor?”. Generally post-production reels are a compilation of highlights from past work that showcase the editors strengths.  While I would certainly like to view some of a potential editor’s past work, I can’t help but think if I’m going to spend hours sitting with this person, what are they like and where am I going to be sitting? In an effort to answer those questions, I decided to remove the editor’s mask and introduce myself.

So I am on camera in the beginning, but there’s plenty of our past work as well. From our corporate to our commercial work, our reel shows how we can take your footage, add some sound and graphics and turn it into a well polished product.

As an editor I’ve seen lots of footage. While a lot of the footage has been good, there are times when forces beyond the control of producers have their way.  With all the planning that goes into a production, something as simple as bad weather can ruin a shot. Fortunately the Go To Team’s post-production suite is a magical place where a few key strokes can brighten a cloudy day. Take a look at our post reel and you’ll see what I mean.

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