Outside the Lines in NASCAR

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Go To Team‘s Charlotte crew, Skip Clark and Rene Cusson, wrapped up their work on the “Discrimination in NASCAR” story two weeks ago and it aired this past Sunday on ESPN’s Outside The Lines. Skip Clark and Rene Cusson worked with talent Kelly Naqi and producer Greg Amante to gather interviews and shoot the stand-ups. There are a lot of interviews throughout the in-depth piece that took Amante and Naqi around two months to complete, but the Clark crew interviewed tire changer Chris Justice, tire specialist Lisa Smokstad, and shocks specialist Katie Muir.

They also got to interview DEI’s Max Siegel (pictured); “As the only African-American team president in the sport, he’s part of NASCAR’s movement to increase diversity in their sport. He’s also a dynamic speaker and someone who sees all the angles on this very sensitive subject.”

The last shoot for the story was the stand-up shoot. The OTL piece is informative and will leave you with a better understanding of the allegations levied against NASCAR and a perspective for the other side of the story. You can check it out here or find it on the ESPN Outside the Lines website.