On location with Nigel Marvin’s Wild, Wild, World

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Production Assistant Jarod Traum and Shamu
Production Assistant Jarod Traum and Shamu

Orlando DP, Dan Beckmann, helped Discovery Channel’s Nigel Marvin capture some incredible behind-the-scenes material for his show, Nigel Marvin’s Wild, Wild, World.

While on location at Sea World in Orlando, Florida, Beckmann and his crew learned all about the different species of penguin, whales, sharks, and of course – crocs!

Nigel submerged himself in a shark tank to get up an close and personal view of some of the oldest creatures in the sea.  The crew also shot inside sub-zero temperature penguin houses – where the water was a crisp 35 degrees.  Beckmann and the crew met and shook fins with the world famous Shamu, and even traveled to Gainesville, Florida, for a “meet and greet” of their own with some crocodiles.