Nashville Crew Shoots at Dale Jarrett Inc. for ESPN

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I was pretty pumped when I got the call that I would be shooting a live shot for ESPN’s NASCAR Now.  I was going to be doing three hits with NASCAR’s, now analyst, Dale Jarrett.  With a HDX 900 in hand I headed out to Conover, NC the home of Dale Jarrett Inc.

I was given a few options as to where to set up the live shot.  The best place turned out to be Mr. Jarrett’s office.  Thanks to a few Kino Flos I was able to set up the shot pretty quickly.  I ran SD-SDI with embedded audio out to the sat truck.  Shooting live shots with an HDX 900 is easy thanks to the built-in down converter.

Once Mr. Jarrett arrived I hooked him up with IFB and a lav.  Before I knew it the former Winston Cup champ was doing his thing.  After three hits I was given the green light to pack up.  I love shooting live shots, especially when it’s for ESPN.