Nashville Crew Does ESPN Live Hit with Jeff Gordon

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Just when I was about to leave Atlanta and head home I got the kind of call I love to get.  ESPN needed a crew to shoot a live shot with Jeff Gordon the next day.  I couldn’t have been more pumped!  I booked another night at a hotel in ATL and tried to get some sleep.  Of course, that’s kind of hard to do when NASCAR is on the brain.

The next day I headed over to Atlanta’s Aquarium.  It was here that we were doing the live shot.  We set up in front of a huge aquarium tank that held whales.  The super blue background really made Mr. Gordon pop.  I lit our subject with two Kino Flo Divas and one Arri 150w as a backlight.

Screen grab from our live shot with Jeff Gordon.

Before we knew it Jeff Gordon was in the hot seat and we were live with Sports Center.  After the hit we packed up and left the aquarium.  Just like that I was on the road heading back to Nashville.