Hands on Nashville and GTT’s Nashville Camera Crew produce fun PSA spot

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There’s nothing more important than helping those in need in your community.  Hands on Nashville is an organization that does just that and played a big part in helping Nashville get back on it’s feet after the flood.  With that said, I was super pumped to be shooting a new PSA for them.  It was so great to work for Hands on Nashville because they had such a solid vision of what they wanted.  Basically, they were looking for shots of hands doing things.  Hands gardening, painting, cooking, you get the idea.  They wanted the shots to all be framed overhead looking down.  I was able to achieve that very easily since I was shooting on the HVX-200.  The shoot was so well organized that we finished an hour early and everyone walked away with a big smile.  I love when the day ends like that.

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