HDX 900 w/ NanoFlash takes the lead in Camera Format Wars

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Tom Wells shooting Time Lapse on Falcons Sideline
Tom Wells shooting Time Lapse on Falcons Sideline

With the Best Crews in America, you have to have the Best gear.  That means regular service.  Our friends at Macie have serviced Go To Team cameras for years, back to the Sony D600 Beta SP days.  What a great crew that really gets it.  They’re on it.  Not only do they provide great service, but they provide great industry data as well.

Two years ago I said, “If you put a gun to my head the HDX900 will be the closest thing to the D600, at least for a while.” This was on the heels of the “format wars”. Go To Team owns several F3 , Varicams, F900, PDW800 XD Cam, 7D, several HVX200s, V1U, Z1U and now 5 HDX900s. We Team the HDX900 with a nanoFlash for a very large segment of clients and more move to it everyday.

They’re versatile enough to be 2nd camera on Varicam shoots, but are also great for Network Sports and News Clients.  They’re the gold standard for Live Shots and the price point for the client isn’t bad either.  The crew at Macie has all this data as well and know what’s coming in and going out.  Check out their take on “Format Wars”