Go To Team | Walmart Highlights Veterans

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Thanksgiving’s here and it makes us reflect on what we are thankful for. We are forever grateful for our Veterans and everything they do for us on a daily basis.


A Walmart in Norfolk, VA recently highlighted how grateful they are for one of their managers who is a Navy Veteran. Assignment Desk and Walmart worked with our DC cameraman, David DiFalco, to help tell the story.


Our crew spend the day in Norfolk and the surrounding towns capturing scenics to help highlight the piece. After B-Roll was captured, we headed to the Walmart to film employees and the store manager. Our crew did have to tackle capturing content in an open and working Walmart, but our crews are trained for these exact situations.

20181107_134654For the setup we used a Kino Flo for our key light and a light panel on battery for a backlight. We also built two flags to hand over the subject to cut out the overhead lights from the Walmart. All footage was shot on a Sony F5.

We are thankful to Assignment Desk and Walmart for letting us be a part of this project. We look forward to working with both companies again!