Go To Team Waco Crew | ABC – Good Morning America

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Teachers all across the country go above and beyond for their students. However, teacher and principle, Dr. Sarah Schecter, took that ideology to a whole new level. 

Go To Team Waco Crew | ABC - Good Morning America

Good Morning America headed to Oakridge Academy to cover a story about Dr. Schecter, who donated a kidney to a father of three of her students. 

In the words of Dr. Schecter herself: “Regardless of how smart you are, or how ambitious you are, if you’re not a good person, it’s not going to go anywhere positive.” She didn’t want to see these three children grow up without a father, and selflessly took action!

Go To Team Waco Crew | ABC - Good Morning America

ABC brought in our Waco DP, Roger Woodruff, to cover the touching story in Arlington, Texas. Our crew started the morning with a two camera setup. Roger used his Sony F5 and Sony FS5 cameras. He lit the group interview with a couple of Astra lights and one lite panel. It was a fairly simple setup that got the job done! 

Go To Team Waco Crew | ABC - Good Morning America

Once he captured the main interview, they met up with Dr. Schecter, showcasing her first day back at school following the surgery. Our crew followed her around, capturing b-roll of her going about her morning routine. She was originally supposed to surprise the students in her office, however the school ended up surprising her with a touching “welcome back” ceremony as she walked down the hallway to her office. While this wasn’t part of the original filming schedule, our crews loved going with the flow and capturing such a genuine story happening right in front of their eyes. 

Go To Team Waco Crew | ABC - Good Morning America

Thank you to ABC and Good Morning America for letting our video camera crews come and capture this incredible piece. We look forward to working with you again in the future!

To check out the full story, click here to watch the video!