Go To Team St. Louis Crew | Spaulding for Children

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 There is no road map or guide to adopting or fostering a child, at least not yet. 

Spaulding for Children is a private, non-profit organization that provides resources and training for foster and adoptive families. St. Louis cameraman, Sam Caravana, teamed up with Spaulding for Children to profile a couple that has fostered close to 100 children. The hope is to help guide future foster and adoptive parents by interviewing experienced parents with a track record for successfully raising foster and adopted children. 


The interviews were conducted in the couple’s home, to be as least disruptive as possible, the crew only brought in the equipment they needed.


The interview was filmed on a Canon C300 and a Canon 5D mkii with a tripod. Sam lit his two-person interview with a Kino Diva 400 and a key light. The crew set up a LED panel aimed at the white ceiling to raise overall lighting in the living room. A LED panel was also used for hair lighting. 

Go To Team St. Louis Crew | Spaulding for Children

Thank you to Spaulding for Children for all of the incredible work that they do to find safe and loving homes for children! We enjoy working with Spaulding for Children on these special projects, we hope to work with them more in the future!