Go To Team Retreat 2K18

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Go To Team wasn’t going to let a freak snowstorm in Charleston, South Carolina stop us from all getting together in one city and hanging out at the beach for the weekend. #Retreat2K18
Snow on the Beach 
Crazy winter weather won’t stop us from having our annual Go To Team retreat at the beach. Remember when Winter Storm Grayson hit the east coast and the city of Charleston pretty much shut down? Well, we were trying to get guys from all over the country into the snow-filled city at the time. After moving flights and renting cars we were able to get the majority of our team to town. A beach house during a snow storm? Why not! #WeGoOutWhileYouStayIn
Retreat 2K18
The Whole Crew Under One Roof
On day one we woke up to the smell of coffee and bacon and eggs being cooked in the kitchen by a gracious early riser. People slowly filtered into the common room whether it be from their bedroom or from their travels into the city. First thing on the docket? Sitting in a circle and singing kumbaya. Just kidding! We did sit in a circle, but we started with a “state of the union” address from our managing partner, introductions (for the new guys) and then talking about what is working and what we’d like to improve in our lives and within the company. Honest communication builds the best relationships! Later we all hit the road and ate dinner out on Sullivan’s Island at a little Mexican restaurant called Mex 1. Once back at the house, more team building (aka drinking games) ensued. #Kumbaya
Retreat 2K18
Teamwork and Community Building 
Day two started with everyone already at the house. (We got in everybody that we could.) We broke into small groups to have a chance to get to know our colleagues better. Things got real. From joy to fear and more, we really opened ourselves up. Then we came up with creative ways to keep in touch throughout the year. With some of us being in the field and others in the office, sometimes its hard to keep up with each other. These small groups will help with that. Later we went bowling in downtown Charleston at a bar/arcade/bowling alley called The Alley. Once back at the house, more “team building” commenced. #TeamworkMakestheDreamWork
Retreat 2K18
From team building to fun and games, our 2018 retreat was a success! We have a great team of directors of photography, cameramen and women and office staff. It’s great that once a year we are all able to meet under one roof and share our passion. #DoWhatYouLove