Go To Team NY Crew | Junior Achievement Celebrates 100 years

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This year, the nonprofit Junior Achievement Worldwide celebrates 100 years of service by ringing the bell at the New York Stock Exchange. Reid Petro, Go To Team’s New York DP, was there to capture it all!

NY DP | Reid Petro | JA Worldwide

Junior Achievement is a nonprofit dedicated to changing the lives of young people all over the US. They are doing amazing work!

“I was honored to be there with Junior Achievement and help them capture this very special moment.” – Reid Petro

Our crew began their day in a stunning ballroom in the stock exchange building. They captured interviews in the ballroom with key members of Junior Achievement.

After the interviews, the non-profit honored sponsors and individuals who have stepped up and contributed to the organization in big ways. After Reid captured all of the award recipients and their heartfelt speeches, he was off to the trading floor to capture the ringing of the bell.

NY DP | Reid Petro | JA Worldwide

The stock exchange was bustling when the crew arrived with last-minute trading. When the bell finally went off, the crowd erupted!

NY DP | Reid Petro | JA Worldwide

“It was a bit surreal being in this space and hearing the bell firsthand. What a day!” – Reid Petro

It was an honor and a privilege to be able to capture Junior Achievement’s special day in NYC. Here’s to another outstanding 100 years!