Go To Team New York Crew | The Rossen Report: Homemade Hand Sanitizer

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People across the world seem to be panicking about the state of the world with the Coronavirus Pandemic in effect. With panicking, comes panic buying. Anyone that’s been to a grocery store in the past week could tell you the same thing: everything is out of stock. It seems as though stores can’t keep things in stock with people buying them out of toilet paper, paper towels and even hand sanitizer.

Go To Team New York Crew | The Rossen Report: Homemade Hand Sanitizer

Jeff Rossen brought in our New York cameraman, Chris Halleen, to help capture how you can make hand sanitizer in your very own home with items that you probably already have. With this pandemic going on, there’s no shock that people are being misinformed and reading information that may not be entirely true. Jeff Rossen wanted to clear all of that up. If you were to search “homemade hand sanitizer,” you may be given some information on how to make something that isn’t exactly safe to use. (To clarify, Tito’s vodka is NOT a safe mixture to use in your homemade sanitizer)

Go To Team New York Crew | The Rossen Report: Homemade Hand Sanitizer

According to the CDC, there is a safe way to make hand sanitizer, involving two parts rubbing alcohol and one part aloe vera gel. You’ll want to mix those two together in a bowl and whisk it and you’re good to go! 

The CDC does want to remind everyone that while hand sanitizer is very helpful in these scenarios, the best way to wash your hands is with soap and water for twenty seconds. 

If you’ve headed to your neighborhood grocery or convenience store or have even tried Amazon to no success and you haven’t been able to find any hand sanitizer, check out the video!

Go To Team New York Crew | The Rossen Report: Homemade Hand Sanitizer

Thank you to Jeff Rossen and the Rossen Report for bringing in our video camera crews to help capture this informative piece. We look forward to working with you again in the future!