Go To Team Nashville Crew | Zimmerman Marketing

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Zimmerman Marketing is a full-service advertising company headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The company specializes and retail brands and has worked with well-known companies such as Nissan, Michaels, and Jamba Juice. Click here to learn more!

Zimmerman Marketing recently called on Go To Team’s Nashville DP, Peter Leininger to capture footage for a new marketing project with Nissan Altima. Peter and the crew headed to Franklin, Tennessee for this shoot. 

Go To Team Nashville Crew | Zimmerman Advertising

The two-camera interview style shoot was captured on a Sony F5 and Sony fs7. One camera was focused straight on the subject and the other was angled at 45 degrees. 

Go To Team Nashville Crew | Zimmerman Advertising

it is always a good idea to bring an additional lighting source for indoor shoots. A key and fill light will make the footage appear more professional. For this particular shoot, a window looking out into the rolling hills of Tennessee was used for the backdrop. The natural light made it a little more difficult but our crews were able to set up lite panels to focus the lighting back indoors.  

Go To Team Nashville Crew | Zimmerman Advertising

Our crews had a blast working on this project with Zimmerman! “Great crew and a fun shoot!” – Peter Leininger 

Thank you to Zimmerman Marketing for choosing our crews to be part of this awesome project! We hope to work with them again in the future!