Go To Team Nashville Crew | Weather Channel Snow Storm

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Standing out in a snowstorm for eight hours is not for the faint of heart. But that’s what Go To Team crews are trained to overcome!

“Shooting weather is all about preparation, getting an idea of what you’re about to go into, and preparing for your 1st plan to change or fail” – Nashville Cameraman, Peter Leininger.

Winterstorm - Nashville Crew

The Weather Channel  recently covered a snowstorm in Truckee, CA with our Nashville cameraman, Peter Leininger. The crew stood out in the snowstorm for 8-hours and experienced many challenges. Staying warm and dry is always a challenge during these types of shoots, as you are entirely exposed to the elements. This includes the crew members as well as any equipment being used.

Nashville Camera crew

Keeping power and keeping batteries charged was also difficult, as some of the locations did not have access to power. Peter thought about this challenge in advance and opted to rent a suburban. The vehicle allowed the crew to stay warm when needed, provided an alternate power source, and had 4-wheel drive to get through the snow and ice.  

While snow creates difficulties for protecting equipment, it is much easier to keep out of the camera than rain. You can simply snag a towel from the hotel and wrap the camera to keep it warm. A simple plastic rain poncho will help keep it covered with plenty of openings for the lens, EVF, batteries, and tripod.


The crew layered up and had plenty of hand and toe warmers packed. Luckily, most of the shoots were near a gas station with plenty of hot coffee to keep the crew fueled.

“8 hours is a long time to be standing in 29-degree weather and snow, but with the right preparation and crew, it was a great shoot!” – Peter Leininger.



Camera: Sony F5 Fuji Wide

Shot in: 1080 60i

Custom: HG7 & 8