Go To Team Nashville Crew | Hemp Fields of Kentucky – CNBC

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From pharm to table. You are not {ganja} believe this, but hemp farms are a budding industry in the United States. 

Nashville Camera Crew | CNBC

Murray, KY is home to the Center of Agricultural Hemp, and the town recently decided to invest in a hemp processing plant. The plant will be used to harvest hemp products and implement hemp agricultural practices. CNBC recently covered a story on this booming cash crop and selected Go To Team’s Nashville DP, Peter Leininger, and his apprentice, Emma Vogelmeier, to help capture it all!

Nashville Camera Crew | CNBC

Leininger and the crew set up a Sony F5 to capture live hits, as well as b-roll of the Kentucky fields and processing plant. The crew also used a Sony F5 to capture interviews with the CNBC correspondent and a hemp manufacturing associate.

Nashville Camera Crew | CNBC

Emma helped capture audio of the interview between the CNBC reporter and a manufacturing associate. Both video and audio were streamed live to the station through a LiveU device. For lighting, only natural light was used to light the talent and B-roll coverage. 

Nashville Camera Crew | CNBC

Thank you, CNBC for selecting Go To Team to cover this story! We look forward to working with you on your next shoot!