Go To Team Las Vegas Crew | Lark Media – Shaun T

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If you could have any superpower in the world, what would it be?? 

Fitness icon Shaun T, doesn’t believe that you have to pick just one! Shaun T’s newest book titled T Is For Transformation promises to help you unleash the 7 superpowers within you that will help you dig deeper, feel stronger, and live your best life. 

The motivational mastermind believes that focusing on your inner strength is crucial before you can start working on your outer strength. He believes in living your life with truth, trust and transparency, and also using our anger to motivate us instead of holding us down. Shaun T knows from experience that you can’t start to lead a healthy lifestyle until you overcome the mental roadblocks that cause your bad choices in the first place. 

Lark Media sat down with Shaun T at his transformation center in Scottsdale, Arizona and Go To Team’s Las Vegas cameraman, Ethan Sneed, was there to help capture it all!

Go To Team Las Vegas Crew | Lark Media - Shaun T

The day started with setting up the shots in the transformation center. For this specific shoot, the crew captured two various styles of shots: a standup as well as a straight-to-camera segment. Both of these shots were to help highlight Shaun T’s 7-Step self help series and connected dietary system. 

Go To Team Las Vegas Crew | Lark Media - Shaun T

All footage was captured on a Sony Fs7 as well as an a7S. Both cameras are capable of capturing footage in high quality, and are easily matched when taken to the post-production process. 

For lighting, the crew set up a light panel as well as Kino Flo lighting to ensure Shaun T stood out from the background. 

Thank you so much to Shaun T and Lark Media for choosing to work with Go To Team’s video camera crew on this shoot. We are honored to be a part of this inspiring new series and can’t wait to see the positive change that it will bring thousands of people!