Go To Team Atlanta Crew | WebMD Whooping Cough Breakouts

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Ever worried about your health but just don’t know what’s wrong?  Don’t know what Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Whooping Cough is?  What are their symptoms? What are their treatments? WebMD can help you find the answers to all your questions.  

Nate Silverman, our Atlanta cameraman, had the pleasure of working with WebMD and sitting down with Dr. Paul D. Boyce, MD, MPH to learn more about COPD and Whooping Cough breakouts.  

Dr. Boyce, a remarkable doctor located in Atlanta, was able to shed light on these two respiratory diseases so that you can get the answers you need.  

Go To Team Atlanta Crew | WebMD

For this shoot, our crew used a Sony F5 and a A7Sii with Canon L-series lenses.  Putting these two cameras close together allowed for both a tight and a medium-tight shot.  Additionally, the interview was lit with two generay bi-color light panels which enabled Silverman to match the color balance of the tungsten lights in the room.  For a nice soft look, one of the light panels was shot through a silk while the second was behind Dr. Boyce causing him to pop off the background.

Thanks to WebMD, Dr. Boyce, and a great cew, you can get all your questions about COPD and Whooping Cough answered.  

“The shoot went great and thank you to Dr. Boyce and WebMD for keeping us informed on these two respiratory issues.”  -Nate Silverman