Go To Team Atlanta Crew | Sharecare | Alisha’s Story

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Chronic illnesses affect approximately 133 million Americans. Increasing the public’s awareness about chronic illnesses is vital to help those who suffer from them.  Sharecare is a unique Atlanta based digital health and wellness company that provides customers with personalized information and resources to improve quality of life. The company is using its platform to share personal stories about health conditions to the public. 

Sharecare recently called on Go To Team’s Atlanta DP, Craig Goodale and apprentice Ben Giddens to film a short video for the company’s documentary series. The focus of this shoot was to highlight Alisa Bridges’ empowering story.

Go To Team Atlanta Crew | Sharecare | Alisha's StoryAlisha was diagnosed with Psoriasis at seven years old, a time when the public’s awareness about psoriasis was minimal. She has dedicated her life to to health advocacy, traveling all across the world to educate people on how to live a fulfilled life with a chronic illness. 

Go To Team Atlanta Crew | Sharecare | Alisha's Story
For the first shoot was located at the National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF) 5k walk in Atlanta. Alisha is part of the Atlanta NPF team and helped start, organize and grow the charity event. The crew filmed Alisha as she was presented an award and gave a speech. Craig used a Sony F55 to capture shots during the run while Ben worked on the audio.

Go To Team Atlanta Crew | Sharecare | Alisha's StoryThe next day, the crew headed to Alisha’s home to conduct an interview with Alisha, her best friend and her ex-husband. They talked about the struggles of Alisha’s illness and how it affects all areas of life including relationships. Alisha noted that certain medications such a “biologics” can be very helpful. Alisha maintains a positive outlook on her condition, during the shoot she shared important information on how to build self-esteem.

Go To Team Atlanta Crew | Sharecare | Alisha's Story

Want to learn more? Click here for the full video! 

It was a pleasure to have the opportunity to help cover Alisha’s empowering story. Thank you to Sharecare for choosing Go To Team, we hope to work with them more in the future!