Go To Team Annual Shareholders Meeting

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The big wigs at Go To Team got together for the Annual Shareholders Meeting and headed off to a plush five star spa and resort… well, not exactly. We headed to Pisgah National Forest, near Asheville, NC, and hiked in 2 miles to a pretty cool waterfall. Of course, the Shareholders consist of Skip Clark and Patrick Bryant, but we’re growing so next year the “retreat” might get even bigger.

We used the trip and the time to discuss the future of Go To Team. We especially discussed our terrific clients, and the Go To Team staff members that we have to do everything to keep! These guys (and girl) are the life blood of the Go To Team attitude… “Do Whatever is Takes”. They work hard on every shoot to provide the best quality footage. If you know or work with one of our DPs you know what I’m talking about. They are truly committed to Making Cool TV.

We also, had some real fun. Pictured here is the beverages from cocktail hour (Two frosted 7 and Gingers straight from the stream). We hiked from the head of Club Gap Trail along Avery Creek to the Waterfall and set-up the campsite within view of the waterfall. Skip invited along his red headed girl friend (sorry ladies he’s spoken for), Maggie.