Documenting South Carolina Charity: Charleston Water Missions International

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Charleston’s Water Missions International (WMI) brought the Go To Team crew on board to document the necessity of volunteers, donors and staff to a nonprofit. Without these components, many nonprofits cannot achieve their goals.

This Charleston, SC-based organization builds water filtration units that are shipped to countries in developing  and disaster areas in need of safe and pure water while educating communities on proper hygiene and sanitation practices.

The “Water You Doing?” series conveys the stories of the people directly involved with WMI. Over the course of WMI’s 10 year anniversary,  Go To Team will capture the personality of these team members while conveying the true purpose of the mission.  To volunteer or donate, go to

The piece was shot the Sony Z1U and edited in GTT’s Charleston editing suite. The piece features music by Austin, TX’s  Bruce James.