Denver Crew Grinds it Out for Daily Planet

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Would you skateboard down a mountain? Well that’s exactly what Kyle Wester did. Our Denver crew worked with Daily Planet to film a segment for one of their “Adrenaline Junkies” episodes.


29 year old Wester is a downhill skateboarder and he just broke the world record for fastest speed skateboarding down a mountain pass. The previous speed was 81 mph. He went 89 mph! It has been a dream of his to break the world record and he hopes that what he does becomes an Olympic sport one day so he can perform in the Olympics.


We filmed the interview and some B-roll. We also got to play around with some of the skateboarding equipment. Wester says I have a really good “tuck!” But would I ever skateboard down a mountain?… No, I’m good with living a few more years!

Gear: Sony F5 + Audio