Dallas Crew Gets Creative with Tony Romo for NFL Network

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Every time I work with our friends at the NFL Network, it’s always an awesome experience and this time was no different. We shot a sit down interview with Dallas Cowboys quarterback, Tony Romo.

This interview proved to be a creative challenge, and I loved it. Our shoot took place the day before a Dallas Cowboys home game at AT&T stadium. We were shown into the space reserved for us to set up our interview, which turned out to be the cheerleaders warm-up room.

The warm-up room was a mirrored room with hardwood floors right next to the main tunnel leading into the stadium. It was going to take some creativity to get a cool shot.


I used the limited sections of the wall and the mirror as my backdrop and was able to light the wall section a blue color and then lit the wall that reflected in the mirror with a more silver-gray color. See where I’m going with this? I pulled out my ol’ reliable “cookie” (cucalorus) patterns and used a combination on the silver wall.


If you’ve never used cookies, they can be created from pretty much anything. It’s essentially an object you place in front of the lights lens to cast a certain type of shadow. The cookie I went with created an abstract zig-zag/tree branch shadow, which was then blurred based off the intensity and focus of the light. The resulting background gave me blue “columns” on either side of the frame and a centered silver textured section. Not bad for shooting directly into a mirror.


The interview will be broken up into segments and aired over time on NFL Network. Stay tuned.