Dallas Crew Covers Walmart’s Talent Center Grand Opening

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Ribbon cutting: Walmart style.

I know what you’re thinking.  What the heck is a “Talent Center?”  A Talent Center is basically where new Walmart employees go to get trained.  Walmart’s new state of the art Talent Center looks to create a more efficient training method.  Anyways, I was there to cover the event.

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A screen grab from one of many interviews we did at the Talent Center.

I was shooting on the C300 with IBE’s HDx35 Mark 2 B4 to EF mount adapter.  This adapter allows me to use typical 2/3 chip ENG style lenses on a super 35mm sensor camera such as the C300.  I love using the C300 in scenarios like this because the camera is great in low light environments.  The client wanted .movs so they could start editing immediately.  No problem.  I just attached my trusty Nano Flash.

After the ribbon cutting ceremony we shot some interviews with the training staff.  They walked us through the various training stations in the new facility.  It wasn’t long before we were packing up gear and transferring footage to a hard drive.  Once the footage from the Nano Flash was on the hard drive I handed it off to our contact and hit the road.  Basically, this was your typical corporate shoot.  Easy day.

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Nice signage!