The MLB Post Season, Cameraman Dan Lowrey on the Road for Fox Sports – Day Nine

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CIMG1464Go To Team’s Dan Lowrey, wrapped up the stay in Anaheim, CA, after an exciting victory for the Los Angeles Angels. The American League Championship Series is in full swing heading back to New York were the Yankees and Angels will play there final match-ups. Dan Lowrey, GTT’s Orlando based Cameraman, has been working hard with his Panasonic HVX-200 finding unique shots that can be found with his super-wide angle lens! AKA the “up-close and personal lens.” With the abstract distortion the lens gives to shots, Dan had to use a different approach in his shooting technique. Taking advantage of a super-wide angle lens can be bitter-sweet. Like a rear view mirror says, “images are closer than they appear” the same physics apply to the lens. If you glue your eyes to the viewfinder you’ll start bumping into everything like a pinball. Being aware of your surroundings while making cool TV is essential! Leaving the sunshine behind, Dan and Skip flew to New York late Thursday night – or early Friday morning – for Game Six of the series. Be sure to check out the ALCS on FOX Sports this Saturday.

