Clark Crew Combines Work & Play at the Chateau Morrisette Winery

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Samples Lined Up - No, The Crew Didn't Drink These
Samples Lined Up – No, The Crew Didn’t Drink These
Our Very Own Buffet!
Our Very Own Buffet!

Go To Team’s Clark crew, based in Charlotte, NC, has been busy!  With the NASCAR season in full swing and plenty of work in Charlotte, they’ve been burning up the road.  But they’ve been finding time to play a little, too.  Skip Clark and Dan Lowrey, along with producer Janet Stone, have been up in the Virginia mountains shooting a marketing piece for Chateau Morrisette, one of the premier wineries in Virginia.  Located right along the Blue Ridge Parkway, it’s in a beautiful location and the crew has been busy finding every shot that shows off what a fantastic find this place really is.  They’ve been taking advantage of all the wine, food, and sights that this shoot has to offer!  Be sure to stay tuned to see the marketing video when it’s finished!  And a special thanks to Janet for the photos.

Taking A Break At The Cabin
Taking A Break At The Cabin