Chicago DP Covers Hit Series “Murder by Medic”

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Chicago DP, EJ Watson, is back in Michigan with First Look filming their series, Murder by Medic!  Here’s what EJ had to say about his shoot:

This week we’re back in Michigan with First Look filming their series, Murder by Medic. This particular shoot was fun and compelling, focusing on the controversial legacy of Dr. Jack Kevorkian. On the first day we interviewed Dr. Ljubisa Dragovic, a renowned forensic pathologist deeply familiar with Kevorkian’s work. This interview took place in a small office/library, so it took some maneuvering to accomplish the look I wanted. After cutting off the house lights, we used a Nan 300 for a soft key, with a ever so slight room lift with the Astras, creating a more dramatic look.

The next day, we interviewed author and journalist Jack Lessenberry, who discussed the broader social and political implications of the case, reflecting on how Kevorkian’s trials sparked a national debate on euthanasia. We wanted to create a similar dramatic look, and our setting this time was a beautiful loft in Detroit’s Milwaukee Junction neighborhood. The functionality of this loft made it quite easy to set up a nice shot with both depth and interesting elements in the background. We had to control the light coming in from the giant window in our frame, but it was nothing a little vizqueen couldn’t accomplish! I also set up another 300 to help motivate the light coming in from an additional window that was not seen in the frame.

Both interviews utilized a two-camera setup which allowed me to capture both the speakers’ depth of knowledge and their nuanced expressions, bringing these complex discussions to life. Hopefully these interviews shed light on Kevorkian’s controversial yet lasting impact on medicine and ethics.